I live in a kråkslott

Har roat mig lite med Google Översätt (som jag blev tipsad om här). Översatte inlägget Sånt man helst inte vill erkänna. Har en känsla av att man kan roa sig i oändlighet med detta! :)

Again it is preferred not want to acknowledge
I have a secret cargo. Or rather, several secret cargo perhaps, but one of them is my immense fascination of husannonser. In fact there is absolutely no reason for me to look after the house, of course, live in an incredibly charming kråkslott already, but for some strange reason, so I surf in here and this is very often to revel in blocks of flats, villas, farms, summer house , Suterränghus etc. Do not believe it solely as a result of pure curiosity to see what is for sale in the immediate area because I look at other places than the homeland. The reason is probably rather some kind of sick interest to see how others live, quince who it is, and amazed, appalled or förföras. Most often appalling Monday, most of it has woefully at home (what luck that we have the so-heaven fine, hehe), things on every square centimetre, in disorder, pants on the floor, etc. And all these yellowed furukök and pine furniture, I may shudder! Or, is it only me who is so superficial that I disturb me at such high capacities worldly, and perhaps not really important things? Fy to me that is so mean! :) But you can well anyway clean even if the home should be put out to public beskådan online?

Jaja, now should I take me a tour through my perfect home, down my perfect yttertrapp and down to the perfect cellar to retrieve laundry in the washing machine completely perfect! :) * Blink *

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